I started my professional life as a family doctor. On my own healing journey, I encountered Rubenfeld Synergy and found it remarkably useful. I entered the training program, intending to add it to my medical repertoire. Little did I know that I would become so interested in working with the body, mind and emotions together that I would move out of traditional medicine!

Currently, I work with individuals in my office to address those issues in their life that are limiting them. Most of my clients have significant trauma history, whether from childhood or more recent events, including medical issues and accidents. It is a joy to assist and witness someone recover and reclaim their joy in living!
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Stephanie Smythe
700 Front St, #207
United States
Trauma, personal growth, sports performance, medical and health issues and trauma


Brainspotting, EMDR, gestalt, existential psychotherapy, Enneagram, EFT


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