Below is a list of various materials and information that may be helpful to you. Click on any header for more information. If you have questions or concerns other than the information provided here, please contact Joan Small at: or 780.989.6071. Joan will answer your questions, address your concerns or direct you to the appropriate person.

The INARS Board of Directors

INARS Newsletters

Our library of newsletters will take you back in time and forward in your awareness of the skills and talents we share.

Peer Mentoring

Am I doing what I think I’m doing? Self-chosen groups discuss client triumphs and challenges, ethical considerations, self-care and more.

Member Gatherings

Tap into the deep well of knowledge shared by Synergists on monthly teleconferences.

INARS Info and Continuing Education

Find: INARS Board and Committees, Bylaws, Annual Reports, SOP/EP, How to update your contact information, and more.

Marketing and Practice Building Materials

Find: Body Mind audios, Update your web page contact information, Social media support, RSM Logo and templates, telecourse.

Board Meeting Minutes

Find information for board members such as meeting notes.

Executive Meeting Minutes

Find information for executive board members such as meeting notes

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events Listed Here.

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