Beyond the Mind
Messages of the Body…

A special kind of harmony that is beyond words.

Ilana Rubenfeld

What is the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®?

Over the past 60 years the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®, created by Ilana Rubenfeld, has helped clients get in deeper touch with their bodies to make space for fresh perspectives, hope and positive change. Through a combination of talk and touch, this healing modality works directly with the body, mind, emotions and spirit in conversation with each other.

Certified Rubenfeld Synergists are highly trained in respectful touch, emotional groundedness, and responsive, compassionate listening. By exploring the Bodymind in a safe, supportive environment, clients discover new ways of feeling, thinking and living in their bodies.

Rubenfeld Synergy is an integrative somatic therapy, designed to meet each part of us with compassion, presence, and safety, soothing the nervous system and allowing for new movement and awareness.

Ilana Rubenfeld – Creator of the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®

An acclaimed music conductor from Julliard with immobilizing back pain, Ilana Rubenfeld trained in Gestalt Therapy with Fritz and Laura Perls, the F. M. Alexander Technique, and the Feldenkrais Method; and declared in the 1960’s “bodymind is one word.”

She recognized that when she simultaneously listened, talked and touched, people learned to listen to themselves. They also found wisdom, emotional freedom and ease from within.

The International Association of Rubenfeld Synergists (INARS) is a membership organization to support and provide resources for Rubenfeld Synergists who are in Training and/or have graduated. Additionally, our website is for anyone who is interested in learning more about the Rubenfeld Synergy Method (RSM); Ilana Rubenfeld, our Founder; and the Rubenfeld Educational Training and Resources. 

Client Testimonials


"Thank you for listening and truly hearing me – you “Get It!” You seem to really understand – without judgement. Thank you for your gentleness, humor and patience."


"Each time I tune into my body, I feel a pressure release and I feel as if I clear out clutter and am able to think, breathe and function more effectively. I let go of surface stress but I feel that I let go of deeper emotion that regular therapy cannot reach."


"My journey into the benefits of Rubenfeld Synergy began on the recommendation from a medical professional. I was struggling with a long-standing stress-related illness and could not understand why I could not heal my body. My Synergist provided a “safety zone” of professional experience, expertise and confidentiality to explore my most difficult personal issues. Rubenfeld Synergy will be a permanent feature of my personal “tool box” to support me in achieving full potential in life."


"Rubenfeld Synergy cuts through my tendency to focus on the mind’s concepts, rationales, and old habits, enabling me to feel what is actually true in the moment. Clearly knowing my truth is freeing."


"The benefits of working with my synergist have been most remarkable. The emotional aspect of intense grief and loss had become unbearable. I was emotionally toxic!! And all that stored in my body. I had become disconnected with my body. After a few weeks of therapy, I now sleep through the night, something I haven’t done in 20 years. Tensions and fears are disappearing. I am learning to listen and to understand my body. This has been a gift to me."
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